Youth Unemployment & The Skills Gap

The unemployment rate for those aged from 16 to 24 years has been consistently higher than that for older age groups since comparable records began in 1992. Youth unemployment continues to be 2.5x times higher than the general population figure. Several employer’s surveys report on an employability skills gap that continues to effect recruitment. The labour market is fast pacing with increased integration of digital and artificial intelligence. As a result, businesses call for more adaptable, flexible and creative workforce to prepare for careers for the future.

Future of Jobs

By World Economic Forum

  • 36% of jobs in the future will require complex problems solving as part of their core skill compared to 4% of jobs that will require physical strength or dexterity
  • Social skills (e.g. persuasion, emotional intelligence and teaching others) will be in higher demand across industries than narrow technical skills, such as programming or equipment operation

 Youth Index 2018

By Princes Trust

  • 59% of young people feel they need to develop new skills before they can consider career options
  • 25% of young people feel trapped in their jobs
  • 29% of young people feel a lack of work experience is one of the biggest challenges in pursuing a career
  • 42% of young people feel traditional goals e.g. owning a house or getting a steady job, are unrealistic