Don H

Don H journey through the Fiver Challenge. Building boxes for Ukrainian Refugees while building on his confidence and leadership skills.

Don had only recently started at his new school Newland House when he took on the challenge of joining their Entrepreneur Club doing the Fiver Challenge.
He was a really keen and committed team member with amazing ideas and a fantastic imagination. However, he was nervous to share these vocally with the rest of the group with confidence.
Don had only recently started at his new school Newland House when he took on the challenge of joining their Entrepreneur Club doing the Fiver Challenge.
He was a really keen and committed team member with amazing ideas and a fantastic imagination. However, he was nervous to share these vocally with the rest of the group with confidence.
As the project progressed, and the team started to gel, Don began to contribute more vocally and became a solid voice for sustainability within the team. His teammates respected and valued his opinions and ideas, and he began to trust himself and his contributions more readily. This same young man was first to arrive and encourage sales for his team’s pop-up shop on their sales day, and he spoke so confidently and with such passion about his business and his team’s product (care packages for refugee children from Ukraine).
His teacher said: “Being part of the programme has undoubtedly helped Don to ‘find his voice’ and face his nerves when it comes to public speaking and/or performances. He attributes much of his growth in confidence to his time in our Entrepreneur Club, pushing his boundaries with projects such as The Fiver Challenge and The Young Money Challenge. He is indeed, a truly inspiring individual!”
Speaking about his experience Don said: “My stand-out memory was selling the boxes on the stall outside of the school. I loved explaining about the boxes to people and when I made a sale, I felt very pleased and excited. Winning the Most Inspiring Individual was a shock but it really boosted my confidence.
I would say to any other children to go in for the Fiver Challenge – you can learn about businesses and making money. Everyone needs to get a job so everyone needs to know how to manage their money. I might set up my own company so I need business skills, like how much my products will cost to make and whether my customers can afford it.”

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