YE Shropshire

Young Enterprise works in partnership with local schools, businesses and volunteers to inspire and equip thousands of young people each year to learn and succeed through enterprise. Together we ensure that young people grow up with the life skills, knowledge and confidence they need to succeed in the changing world of work.



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Participation in Young Enterprise programmes develops key employability skills outside of the classroom.

Through experiential learning, supported by volunteers from a range of industry sectors, young people are able to develop practical skills to prepare them for life beyond statutory education and the world of work.

Our approach aims to support young people to develop the skills, knowledge and abilities across eight key employability competencies which will enable them to make successful transitions into further education, employment and
or training destinations.



Explore ways to get involved locally:

To find out more about working with Young Enterprise in Shropshire, Get in touch.

Teresa Fisher

Area Manager

As a teacher or educator looking for high quality enterprise education programmes and events.

As a volunteer interested in sharing your time and experience of work and industry

As a Company that would like to support our work and programmes happening locally

As a past Young Enterprise participant who would like to join our Alumni programme.