Your Money Matters – Wales Edition

Produced by Young Money

Minimum Age: 14
Maximum Age: 16

Your Money Matters (Wales Edition) has been designed for use with young people age 14 – 16 in Wales and covers topics including spending and saving, borrowing, debt, insurance, student finance & future planning.

To view the Welsh version click here.

Funded by Martin Lewis, founder of, the original Your Money Matters textbook was sent to state funded English secondary schools in late 2018.

With support from Martin Lewis and the Money & Pensions Service, we have now produced a Wales edition which can be downloaded in both Welsh and English.

A natural extension to the Financial Education Planning Frameworks, the student facing Textbook includes guidance on issues such as:

  • Saving and spending
  • Borrowing
  • Good and bad debt
  • Risk and rewards
  • Insurance
  • Investments
  • Future planning around student loans
  • Tax and national insurance

To provide additional support to teachers there is an accompanying Teacher’s Guide contained within the download which will highlight areas of good practice, provide examples of curriculum integration and showcase additional external support which schools could use to enrich their financial education provision.

You can also download PowerPoint versions of each chapter of the Textbook for you to use in your lessons, or edit and tailor sections of content depending on the age and ability of your class. The PowerPoints will be available soon.

Find out more about the Your Money Matters textbook here.