WizeUp Financial Education- October 2023

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We began our delivery programme on 13th September, and we expect to deliver approximately 600 sessions this year to around 30,000 students around the country. Our main delivery partners are 12 provincial building societies and The Jack Petchey Foundation. We work in conjunction with them to deliver out WizeUp with Jack Petchey programme to 125 schools based in London and Essex. We have introduced separate programmes this year which cover both SENDs and PRUs as well as mainstream students. The vast majority of our work is with post 16 students. Geographically, we cover the whole of England, but this tends to be in pockets where we are able to secure local funding. We are also offering parent talks explaining their role in their child’s journey through universities, as well as sessions delivered to teachers designed to help them deliver directly to their own classes. All sessions will be delivered by hand picked associates who are freelance and based in those areas of the country where we have funding in place.

We reached 24,000 students in 2022/23 , delivering 42,500 student hours of content. This was achieved with a per head cost to funders of around £4. Our teaching performance was rated 9/10 by the schools we visited. 97% of students said that they felt more confident about their personal finances after our sessions, with 85% saying that they felt more able to manage their personal finances as a result of our intervention and 84% of students who were opting to go to university less worried about student debt.

We hope to improve on these stats this year and are working closely with Bean Research to improve our data collection and impact report.